Friday, August 23, 2013

Lee Daniels' the Butler Movie Review

Watching the Butler was like taking a compelling step into the past. It is amazing how we forget what has happened not even a century ago. This is a must see film with give or take 20 celebrity appearances. The film seemed true to its foundation; the true story of Eugene Allen. Allen served in the White House from 1952 -1986, through 8 administrations spanning Truman to Reagan. Aside from a few dramatic additions, this film addressed self-pride, dignity, love, and the historic political and social change occurring during that time. I was surprised by how funny the movie is as well. This is one of the best movies released in summer 2013. Go see it! Bravo: 9 out of 10.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Wolverine Movie Review

Better than the first one, this movie was not much of a super hero film. The opening scene was, for lack of a better word, awesome. Tao Okamoto did a great job playing the role of Mariko Yashida. The train scene was rather impressive and there is a predictable twist. I anticipated more action but I did love the "arrow shot". We give this one a 7.5.